Communist hypocrisy exposed in print ad

Siegfred M. Red (most certainly an alias) had a full-page ad extolling the life and deeds of the late Fr. Fausto “Pops” Tentorio among the Lumad and financially distressed inhabitants in his mission areas. Red, in making such glowing tribute to the slain missionary, attributes just about everything to the good priest, saying all that the priest did was for the people he served, but Red deliberately avoided using one crucially important word—God. Red, being a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines, omitted that crucial goal of everything Father Pops did—to bring all listeners and parishioners near or back to God! Making the lives of the parishioners better so they will appreciate and love God more was Father  Pops’ main objective (just like all Christian missionaries the world over). The good priest did not do his work so he could expose the ills of the government, or the “sins” of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the enemies of the state—communist rebels, Muslim separatists, terrorists, putchists and what have you. He wanted the people—and that included Red—to come closer to God.

To Red, perhaps, God does not exist at all. But no one should make the mistake of thinking that Red is saddened by the assassination of the good priest. On the contrary, Red might just be too happy the priest was killed because now he can exploit it for every inch of political and propaganda mileage by blaming the entire AFP and President Aquino for it.

So, just like any CPP member, Red just twisted the facts and revealed himself and the CPP, including its military arm, the New People’s Army, to be no different from the current crop of politicians, the AFP, police and government they want to overthrow and replace, as well as the leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front—all of whom are liars.  Of course, the better term that describes them perfectly is “hypocrites,” the word Jesus Christ used to describe the Sadducees and Pharisees. There is no difference between the murders and destruction Red and his ilk wreak on the nation or those who do not pay them “revolutionary taxes.” Yes, Red and his communists are also hypocrites.

If Father Pops could, before he was killed, I believe he would have uttered the words Christ spoke before He died on the Cross: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” And I’m sure Red was included in that prayer.

By the way, Red should inform his cadres/rank and file that the two topmost leaders of the CPP are living in luxury in Amsterdam and that they sleep well on comfortable beds, eat well, dress well, go to nice clean toilets, and stroll the city streets leisurely. They do not get their feet and clothes muddy, they don’t have to steal from farmers food to eat, and they don’t have to hide in jungles to evade capture—unlike Red’s cadres in the field, of course!