My Master, Lord, and King
I don’t know if you noticed it, but instead of “Jerry,” my name under my Philippine Daily Inquirer column online last Sunday was “Jeremy.” I value my name, but I understand that even the editors can make mistakes. But I hope that in the final judgment before Christ the King, I will not be mistakenly counted as a goat, but as a sheep.
Happy Feast of the Christ the King of the universe. In today’s Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46), we are told that we will be separated and judged according to the deeds we have done here on earth. The goats will be thrown into hell and the sheep will enter heaven. Let us all strive to be a SHEEP (Simple, Humble, Embracing, Enduring Person) rather than a GOAT (Greatest of ALL TIME). Worldly riches and fame will not count then. Only loving hearts will matter when we finally face our Lord, King, and Master.
Take note that we will be judged not only by what we have done but also by things we could have done but did not do. Today, let us examine ourselves before our Lord and King the kind of life we are living. Sins of commission and sins of omission can lead to our condemnation.
We cannot follow our Master, as long as we do not see ourselves as His servants: We cannot serve our King as long as we do not see ourselves as His subjects; we cannot be with our Lord in heaven someday as long as we continue live by the flesh and not by the Spirit.
We have a just King, but we also have a merciful King. “Have mercy on me a sinner, Oh my Master, Lord, and King!” May we never forget to call on Him in our struggle with earthly pleasures, temptations, and sin. Let us constantly trust in His mercy, and not be complacent with our “righteousness” nor be dismayed with our sinfulness.
To follow a Master, we must learn the value of sacrifice and prayer. To follow someone means to leave behind something or someone for Him. To follow a Master, we must constantly and earnestly listen to Him, otherwise, we get lost, or we give up!
To serve a King means to put our time, talents, and treasures at His disposal in the service of His people. We must learn to honor, serve, and obey Him. Humility to the King and to His people is something we need to remind ourselves of again and again.
To be with our Risen Lord means to live in His presence and spread His presence in our thoughts, words, and deeds. May we be bringers of peace, hope, and joy whenever we go, and whatever we do. May we be witnesses of eternity in the here and now.
I entered Christ the King Seminary in Quezon City when I was 12 years old. I was very homesick leaving home and loved ones, enduring deprivation, and offering sacrifices at an early age. I look back, and I am grateful to have been given a chance to know my Master, serve my King, and be with my Lord early on. I am 70 years old now. There is nothing to boast about except God’s goodness, love, generosity, mercy, and faithfulness every step of the way. To God be the glory; to me His mercy!
Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent already. Let us prepare for the birth of Christ the King. Today, let us pledge our allegiance to Him, and renew our promises to serve Him and love His people.
Think about this: “Life is funny: you come with nothing then you fight for everything, and later you leave everything and go with nothing.” (Unknown)
A moment with the Lord.
Lord, may You continue to be our Master, Lord, and King in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Amen.