![QUOTE CARD FOR MOMENTS: Focus on the goal](https://opinion.inquirer.net/files/2023/11/orbos11122023.jpg)
The story is told about a teacher who was amused seeing little boys having a nice time kicking the ball around, while a little boy was just watching them all by himself. With much concern the teacher asked him: “Why are you all by yourself? Are you shy? Are you being left out or bullied?” His answer was: “I am the goalie, Ma’am.”
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In today’s Gospel (Matthew 25:1-13), Jesus tells us to be vigilant “for you know neither the day nor the hour.” Like the lonely goalie who diligently keeps watch of the goal, we, too, must be ready when the Lord calls us, anytime, anywhere.
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Focus on the goal. This is a good reminder as we journey through life. Our goal is to live meaningful lives while we are alive, and reach Heaven, our final destination someday, when the Lord may call us at a day and time we do not know.
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“The foolish ones when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.” And so it is that many of us turn out to be foolish when we make provisions for our earthly journey but do not make provisions for our journey to eternity.
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I had a “foolish” coffee machine experience in Spain some years ago. I read all the instructions, all in Spanish, and I put the coin, pressed the button, and was delighted to hear the grinding sound from the coffee machine until I heard the store owner shouting “La tasa! La tasa!” I was successful in making the coffee, but I forgot to put the precious cup to catch it! Let us make sure that as we take pride and delight in our so-called worldly achievements, we do not forget that which matters most in the end, our soul.
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May we have little or no regrets in the end that we loved God and people too little, too late, just because we loved ourselves most. May we not be filled with remorse that we pampered our bodies, and neglected our souls.
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Someone described life as a journey from B to D, i.e., from Birth to Death. Between B and D is C, which stands for the CHOICES we make as we journey on. Let us choose goodness, love, service, honesty, and humility. Yes, let us choose God. Let our “C” be Christ in all aspects of our life, even if it would mean choosing the different, narrow, and winding road, the “road less traveled,” where many dare not tread.
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Asking our public and religious servants to really serve our people with honesty, humility, and sincerity. Let us not waste the opportunity and privilege to serve, and use whatever resources we have to do good. Yes, let us choose Christ, in whatever office or position and responsibility given to us.
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Follow the 10 Commandments and you will not lose the way. Live the new commandment of our Lord: to love God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength; and to love your neighbor as yourself.
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Check today if you have these provisions in your journey: Prayer and obedience to God; love and service to others; peace in yourself. Please check, too, that your tires are not overinflated. Deflate your tires with humility, and you will have a safe, happy, and meaningful journey.
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Think about this: “I shall pass through this world but once; therefore, whatever good and kindness I can do, let me do it now; let me not neglect nor defer it, for I shall not pass this way again.” (John Dunne)
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A moment with the Lord:Lord, help us to live our lives well so that we will have no regrets in the end. Amen.