Love ‘pa’ more!
The story is told about a little boy who heard in their catechism class that there are 10 Commandments from God. He said to the teacher: “Only 10? In our house, we have more than that, especially for our Dad!”
In today’s Gospel (Matthew 22:34–40), Jesus tells us the greatest commandment in the law: “You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest, first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
God first, others second, self last. Why in this order? Because if we put ourselves first, God knows that we will live selfish, miserable, and empty lives, as many people are doing now. Follow God’s plan: don’t remove God from the picture; don’t degrade others; don’t magnify yourself. Claro!
Love, not money, is the G.O.A.T, the Greatest Of All Time! Money can make our lives comfortable and convenient, but only love can make us truly happy. Money can imprison us, but love sets us free. In the end, we cannot carry our money with us, and save us. Love is our only secure achievement and sure provision when we leave this world.
A prayer to love God more: “Lord, help me to love you more. I am not perfect. Often, I do not listen to you. I do not pray enough. I even disobey you and sin against you. I have many bad habits, negative attitudes, and all too often, I am selfish and proud. Help me to love you more, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe in you and trust in your patience and unconditional love. Thank you, Lord!”
A prayer to love others more: “Lord, help me to love others more, especially the ‘little ones,’ the least, the last, and the lost. Help me to love until it hurts. Help me to go the extra mile, and give the extra smile. And help me to love not only in words but in action. May I have no regrets in the end that I loved too little, too late.”
A prayer to love the self less: “Lord, help me to love myself less. Help me to lower my pride, and deflate my wants and desires. My heart is selfish and proud. Please be patient with me. And help me to be patient to myself. I hold on to your unconditional love for me. Help me to focus on you Lord, not on my load. Help me to grow, do my mission, and fulfill the plan you have for me. Help me believe and keep on believing that you love me and that I will be with you in Heaven someday. Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
Tomorrow, we will have the election of barangay officials. May it be a day where the will of the people will be respected. May it not be a day when money, power, manipulations, and violence will reign supreme again. Tomorrow, election day, may we love God, love our neighbor, and love ourselves, truly.
Nov. 1 is All Saints’ Day. As we honor the company of Saints and Martyrs, let us also ask for their intercession for all of us who are still journeying in the “valley of fears.” May this day remind us that we have an appointment, a date to be with the Lord in the company of the Saints in Heaven someday.
Nov. 2 is All Souls’ Day. We thank the Lord for the gift of eternal life. May this day remind us that we have not only a body but a soul that is meant to be reunited with God in Heaven someday. As we remember with love those who have gone ahead of us, may it also remind us not to postpone loving those who are still with us.
Think about this: “Christ has no body now, but yours; no hands, no feet on earth, but yours.” (St. Teresa of Avila)
A moment with the Lord.
Lord, help us to love You and others more, and to love ourselves less. Amen.