Teachers: Jack-of-all-trades, unsung heroes

Behind successful individuals are the teachers who undeniably sacrifice their blood and sweat in producing quality products to become globally competitive individuals and the country’s potential. Teachers are education heroes who inculcate optimum holistic learning to the young developing minds and everyday soldiers who fight illiteracy. They are the ones who immeasurably motivate and inspire the young ones to become better citizens of tomorrow.

However, their efforts, commitment, and dedication to their vocation are sometimes neglected, ignored, and denied. Little do we know that the teachers are working beyond the exigency of service and, as required, time yet receive less compensation. They compromise their emotional, mental, and physical health with the stress they encounter at work. As they say, they are jack-of-all-trades who do different things for the safety and welfare of the learners, and for the betterment of the academic community. They become nurses, carpenters, painters, janitors, etc., but they still carry all these heavy tasks and responsibilities with passion.

Every day is always a hard battle for them to win. Every day is a herculean task to rush and accomplish, juggling things while educating learners. They feel exhausted and need to recharge; feel sluggish and want to rest. Their expectation is to teach, guide, inspire, and leave an impact on the learners, but the reality is far from their expectations. It’s saddening that teachers nowadays are robots and zombies. Aside from preparing daily lesson log, and mastering their lessons, overlapping paperwork always awaits them, and they often have to bring these unfinished tasks home. Remember, most of the teachers are parents, too, who should provide love and attention to their children at home.

Teachers have an essential role in this world. They are the ones who prepare the ladder of hope and dreams for the children to have a brighter future. There will be no professionals and successful individuals without them. They are unsung heroes.

Amalia P. Peralta, Catubig Integrated School, Bolinao, Pangasinan