New tack in dealing with rebels needed
Perhaps, the P-Noy administration has to change tack?
When a ceasefire agreement is in place, ambuscades are launched against government troops. The rebels know that the Philippine government is politically restrained from going after the traitors all-out because it has to honor its commitments under the ceasefire agreement.
On the other hand, the rebel groups can always say that those violating the ceasefire agreement are their “wayward” members, over whom they have lost control.
I am not a warmonger, but neither am I a pacifist. I agree that peace should be pursued to the hilt. But the state must as resolutely exercise its police power to stamp out criminality and other forms of atrocity.
The function of government is to insure that all its citizens, regardless of creed, race, tribe or ethnic group, are protected from harm, and their welfare is safeguarded. A dysfunctional government opens the way to chaos and anarchy.
The nation loses. The advantage goes to the enemies of the motherland.—BOB GABUNA,