Laughter saves lives
“When life throws you a hard punch, roll with it—but roll with laughter.” This is my favorite line from Dean Koontz’ novel, “Fear Nothing.”
The state I am in right now is so tough. I’m slowly losing patience, hope, and passion. Considering that I have given my all (at least I think I did), success still seems elusive. I came to a point where I asked myself these questions: What have I done to experience all the pain, the suffering, and the hurt? Do I deserve them? Am I being punished? Are they being given just to test me? Will I ever see the light at the end of the tunnel?
If it weren’t for laughter I would have drowned in despair already. Laughing saved me. It spared me from loneliness. It’s the only thing that kept me going, really.
I strongly believe that laughter is God’s greatest gift to us. Laughing has a therapeutic effect as it lessens the tension and stress of daily living. It is free and natural. I can’t imagine life without it.
When life becomes unbearable, we must look not only on the brighter side of things but also on the lighter side of things. We need to laugh more.
Go find something funny today and laugh out loud!