Let go and let God
Do you easily get upset by people, things, or happenings around you? Remember, when you get UPSET, you have been SET UP by the evil one.
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In today’s Gospel (Luke 9, 51-62), the disciples James and John were upset when the Samaritans did not welcome Jesus in their village. But instead of giving in to their anger, Jesus told them to just let go, and journey to another village. Yes, discipleship, following the Lord, is about letting go and letting God.
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POSSESSIONS can possess us. The desire to get, to own, and to own more can imprison us and consume us, to the point that it can corrupt us and make us love things above people, above God Himself. At the end of our lives, may we not come before the Lord in shame that we chose to pursue money, worldly possessions, and positions, and forgot to honor Him and love our sisters and brothers.
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PERSONS are gifts from God to cherish and to love, but in doing so, let us not forget the Giver of these gifts. We don’t own the people God has given to us, nor can we be owned by them. In other words, attachments to persons should not be a reason why we cannot follow the Lord and do our mission.
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PLANS, our personal plans are important, but let us not forget that God has the Master plan for us. We must learn to listen to God’s will and plan, and have the strength and courage to obey Him. Remember, God’s plans for us are for our own good and happiness.
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Today, may we all declare: “As for me and for my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:2,15). Yes, we say: We will not be slaves of money, servants of persons and personalities, nor prisoners of our worldly agenda and plans!
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Whenever we are bothered or upset with possessions, let us listen to God telling us: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?” (Mark 8:36)
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When we become too attached to people and relationships, let us remember God’s word: “And everyone who has left brothers or sisters or father and mother or wife or children for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29).
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When we become so obsessed with our own plans, let us listen to God telling us: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
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There are three vows that the religious make in response to God’s call to freely love, namely: evangelical POVERTY; consecrated CHASTITY; apostolic OBEDIENCE.
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May we learn to let go of our attachment to material security and worldly possessions, and trust God more. “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Poverty leads us to generosity.
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May we learn to be chaste, and even let go of marriage and family, and sacrifice (make holy our bodies and desires) so that we can truly and freely love as the Father wants us to love. “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh” (Romans 13:14). Chastity leads us to purity and sincerity.
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May we learn to be obedient and humble ourselves to God, so that we can remain faithful to His call for us to serve our brothers and sisters. Obedience leads us to humility.
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For those willing to let go and let God, and join the priestly and religious life, please get in touch with Fr. Alfredo Rollon, SVD (vocation director) and Fr. Nonito Gallego, SVD (assistant vocation director). Contact numbers: 0945 3210373 or 0919 5833571.
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A moment with the Lord: Lord, help us to live a life of letting go and letting God. Amen.
A life of giving and thanksgiving