Justice must always be upheld

Regardless of whether or not the verdict in the last elections was fair is now water under the bridge. Nevertheless, there remains yet a glimpse of faint hope regarding the issue of the disqualification of the forerunner in the said elections. The case that the Commission on Elections decided under unacceptable and suspicious circumstances has finally reached the Supreme Court — the ultimate bulwark of justice.

The honorable members of the high court now face a stark challenge of weighing the mandate of clear applicable laws against some probable political constraints. But we may anticipate a correct verdict with optimism, considering the high esteem and regard that we hold for the integrity and uprightness of justices. And to consider further that at stake is the welfare of the state.

It is, indeed, tragic if the celebrations of the victorious are overturned by a disqualification verdict. But the law is the law, and justice must always be upheld. Judiciousness should allay the fears of bitterness and chaos. For after all, right is might.

Pasig City