Never-ending dream for social change
The first sentence in Prof. Randy David’s column last Sunday went: “At least once every six years, we are invited to dream that enduring social change, is at last, within sight.”
As Filipinos, I think that we had been dreaming about this since the revolutionary days up to now. Except for a few years just before Commonwealth status was given to us by the United States up to the pre-martial law days, we were able to have parts of our dreams fulfilled. We were led by politicians who as a rule were nationalistic, ethical, educated, and “cultured.” If you remember, when Rogelio dela Rosa first ran for senator, most voters questioned his qualifications, being a movie star. Right now, if you are an actor, TV or radio personality, or an athlete like a boxer or a basketball player, you have an advantage over the other candidates. Our presidents then acted presidential in public, i.e., no swearing, no bad words, no misogyny or sexism, and “polished” in dress and attitude since he is the father or she is the mother of the country.
Without endorsing anybody, he just dissected why the public voted for Mr. Duterte who to the regular voters acted like a regular person or “common tao” who will solve our everyday problems: “People just saw in him someone who could jolt the post-Edsa ruling elites out of their smugness.” He also discussed the causes why Mr. Duterte “has hardly made a dent on the problems that he himself set out to solve.” I just wished that this time, Filipino voters will start to use their minds since the future of the Philippines depends on them who will elect our future leaders.
In spite of the Duterte administration failing the Filipino people, I think that I can still dream, can’t I? Puwede pa ring managinip o mangarap.
New York, NY