No student should be left behind
We are now one and a half years into the pandemic, and schools have yet to reopen. Even if we see a slow reopening, we might not see our campuses back to pre-pandemic activity. The lost opportunity for students to enjoy the campus environment with their peers and teachers cannot be overstated.
I fear, too, that the sense of belongingness of students has been lost. They do not feel part of their schools because of distance.
The recent news regarding academic breaks is not a new call to action. Every semester has seen calls for greater consideration and compassion extended not only to students, but also to the employees of schools such as teachers, researchers, and administration staff.
While we are seeing a slow decline in cases, our larger problems have not eased up: unemployment and underemployment in the family, worsened health conditions, the death of loved ones, etc. These are burdens on students who, at their young age, also have to deal with the new way of studying under the pandemic.
I think many of us tend to overlook our end goal — producing graduates that are capable of adding value to humanity. Every student should have the opportunity to explore his or her greatest potential, and it is our collective job as a society to make the chances equal for everyone. No student should be left behind.