Isko choosing Ong a shortsighted decision?
Willie Ong, a popular physician, is qualified to be vice president, of course. His selection as Isko Moreno’s running mate is not a bad idea per se. In fact, it may be a brilliant political move.
But, if the tandem wins, can Ong help Moreno in running the country, which is far different from governing a city?
Moreno is good. The possibility that the country will be ruled — yet again — like a city instead of a multicultural state if Moreno becomes president cannot be ignored, however. With this, the choice to have Ong as No. 2 becomes a shortsighted decision that should make us reassess Moreno’s kind of leadership.
Moreno is still third in my list of presidential aspirants, and I am glad that he is dignifying the working-class Filipino. After all, it is time for us to stop glorifying poverty and to focus instead on what we are doing to rise above our situation.
Still, the presidency is not an opportunity that lands on your lap, contrary to what his well-produced political ad suggests. History reminds us that the Philippines does not prosper well when led by someone who was handed power on a silver platter.
The presidency is borne of the courage to serve the motherland even when the odds are not in one’s favor. I am yet to see this fervor in any of our “presidentiables,” however.
Tinambac, Camarines Sur