Blatant anomaly in Senator Bong Go’s functions
Bong Go is an incumbent senator. Despite his election to that national position, he has remained the most prominent member of President Duterte’s presidential entourage.
Former senator Serge Osmeña has derisively called Go Duterte’s caregiver. But Go is more than a caregiver. He is, aside from being Mr. Duterte’s gofer, a de facto Cabinet member, right-hand man, enabler, and overall surrogate.
His being all of the above almost all of the time, and on Senate time from where he draws handsome compensation, is a blatant violation of the separation of powers. It smacks of out and out opportunism.
By acting as he does, Go demeans his exalted position as senator, a mandate given to him as a gift by the Filipino people to whom he owes a sacred obligation that must be discharged with utmost honesty and fidelity.
Go should stop straddling the legislative and executive divide. He should realize the blatant anomaly in what he is doing. It is conflict of interest and corruption of the worst kind.
Go should resign forthwith from the Senate to become Mr. Duterte’s full-time caregiver, gofer, de facto Cabinet member, right-hand man, enabler, and overall surrogate. By doing so, he shall have reduced the number of Duterte lackeys and toadies in the Senate.