Address Mindoro power woes with renewable energy
Concrete reforms and actions are urgently needed to address the energy crisis in Mindoro. Based on reports, Mindoro continues to be plagued with power problems despite the presence of many electricity power distributors. The island remains underserved, and many communities still do not have access to stable electricity supplies.
Among Mindoro’s power problems are the following:
• Unreliable or insufficient power supply that results in frequent brownouts;
• High power cost for power consumers aside from the inconvenience and economic losses they incur from the brownouts; and
• Environmental threat of coal plants if these are considered an option.
• Power fluctuations are still common, and the negative impact on the lives of residents cannot be ignored: food spoilage, short-circuiting appliances, children cut off from their online classes, and exorbitant electricity rates.
The importance of having a reliable and sufficient electricity supply cannot be overemphasized, and it is crucial to determine solutions to Mindoro’s power challenges and implement them immediately.
We have become aware of Oriental Mindoro Gov. Humerlito “Bonz” A. Dolor’s openness to the idea of utilizing more renewable energy sources and RE technology to supplement the electricity generated by the grid and the hydro plants in the island.
In line with the aim to develop RE in Mindoro, we recommend that Mindoro households, businesses, and local government offices produce electricity for their own consumption. They can do this by having roof-mounted grid-tie or hybrid solar PV systems installed. This will reduce the load of the local electric cooperative and in the process stabilize the local grid. Households can install solar PV systems on their rooftop, connect all these systems, and share to the grid the unused or excess electricity through the net metering system. This will stabilize the grid by reducing energy supply deficit.
As the unstable power fluctuations affect residents the most, getting the community involved in efforts to improve the power supply situation on the island should also be ensured. The people of Mindoro can easily participate in implementing solutions to the power problem by calling on the local government to sell or lease solar PV systems to residences and commercial buildings as a joint LGU-private sector economic enterprise.
Instead of one large power plant to supply the electricity needs of Mindoro, hundreds of small solar installations that are integrated into one system through net metering can be built. This will remove concentration risk, and it is more efficient. Also, going for a community-based solar solution will definitely help the distant and isolated communities in Mindoro. The “community solar” concept wherein systems are owned by the Barangay Power Association can be adopted.
We all need to work together to realize the Philippines’ clean energy transition, and Mindoro can be a part of it. Apart from making the technology change from fossil fuels to renewables, we can address many different social, economic, and environmental aspects of the development of renewable energy sources and technologies. We need a massive change in the traditional way of exploiting and using energy sources. The principle of sustainable development is vital if our society will move forward to cleaner forms of energy and processes of power generation. Clean power for the people!
WeGen Laudato Si’ President,