Public has right to know vaccine brand

I subscribe to the view of Marikina City Mayor Marcelino Teodoro that our people have the right to know the brand of vaccines they will get.

Every person has a right to determine what will be done with his or her body. To be inoculated or not, and what vaccine will be used, should be up to the person to decide. Simply put, this is a personal decision he or she has to make. However, the person needs to be informed, too, of the consequences to his or her well-being, the advantages and risks, of the decision. In this way, in my view, when the person’s right to know is protected and respected, the government is relieved from responsibility and liability.

Therefore, there should be no withholding the brand of the vaccine from our people whether they specifically ask for it or not. As a matter of right, we need to know what brand of vaccine we are getting.

Marikina City