Mental wellness during pandemic

Given the pandemic surge, I foresee a scenario where people who are continuously suffering from the detrimental effects of COVID-19 may ultimately experience some mental health problems. Here are suggestions on how to maintain good mental health during these fraught times:

1) Talk about your feelings when you feel troubled

2) Stay active (regular exercise, etc.)

3) Eat well (proper diet)

4) Drink lots of water

5) Keep in touch with relatives, friends, etc.

6) Ask for help (from counselors, close relatives, friends)

7) Take a break; have sufficient sleep/rest

8) Do something you are good at (home/domestic works)

Here are some warning signs of mental illness to watch out for, especially when you have two or more of these symptoms:

1) Long-lasting sadness or irritability

2) Extremely high and low moods

3) Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety

4) Social withdrawal

5) Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits

Finally, let us avoid stress, manage our emotions, keep in touch with our loved ones, develop our positive attitude, and pray always.