‘Seven Last Words’ for Filipinos
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Father Most High, please forgive our people for they “do not know what they are doing,” voting for and idolizing bad politicians. You may opt to forgive those who forget all but their lust for power and wealth, and those who continue to fool and oppress their constituents. You may show mercy to those who deprive others of their rights and lives, even those who have practically “sold” the sovereignty of this nation for some material or political gains. But, Lord, without preempting Your judgment, I wish You would bring these modern-day Judases in our midst to justice, either Divine or otherwise — and soon.
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” To the latter day Dismases: the patriots, heroes, and those who resist the evils of corruption and tyranny, you will never be alone. You will be with me, not in Paradise (for only our Father in Heaven can promise us that), but at least in our common dream of someday achieving lasting peace and prosperity for our beloved country.
“Woman, here is your son.” Yes, women of this country, raise your family and children well to help create a society of God-loving, responsible, upright citizens and leaders. Assert your rights. Protect your dignity from any onslaughts of profanity, vulgarity, or masochism.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Not You, dear Lord. I’m referring to those who act as if they are gods instead of public servants. Indeed, why have they forsaken us? They have wrought untold sufferings for our people with their unbridled greed, skewed priorities, and ineptness.
“I am thirsty.” Yes, Lord, I, too, am thirsty. And so are our people. We thirst for truth and justice. We crave for food and progress. Yet, look what the “gods” have served us: Drinks of palliatives and diets of theatrics flavored with political ploys, if not diluted with repressiveness!
“It is finished.” Yes, we are finished as a nation. Unless, of course, we undergo drastic reforms as a people and change our wayward ways—and the way our government is run (or ruined?) by trapos, clowns, and crooks.
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Yes, Almighty Father, into your hands (and not the hands of the corrupt) I entrust the destiny of our country and people. Amen.