The sower

Someone pointed out that millions of trees were planted by squirrels who buried nuts and seeds and then forget where they hid them. Lesson: just do good and forget; they will bear fruit; no need to count, broadcast, or keep track of the good things you have done.

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In today’s Gospel (Mt. 13, 1-23), we hear of the Parable of the Sower. Instead of focusing on the ground where the seeds fell, let’s focus on the sower who sowed unsparingly and unconditionally, and learn from God what true sowing, what true giving is.

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God is such a giving God. We ask ourselves today: Am I a giver or a taker? Am I a sharer or a hoarder? Givers and sharers may not have much materially, but they live happy, peaceful, and meaningful lives.

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God is generous. Am I a generous giver? Am I calculating and thrifty in giving my time, talents, and treasures? There are people who give without counting the cost, while there are people who do not give because they keep counting the cost.

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God is hidden and quiet. Am I a showy and a loud giver? There are givers who give, precisely just to show off. Ostentatious giving is something the Lord disdains. Blessed are the simple, humble, hidden givers that choose to give without a photo op, a parade, or a brass band. God smiles at anonymous givers.

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God gives joyfully. Am I a joyful giver? Do I give with a smile? Or do I give with a frown? There are people who see giving as losing, while others see it as gaining and winning.

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There are people who give boastfully. They lift themselves up and make the recipient of their goodness beholden to them. Giving is not, should not be a “shout-out” for oneself.

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Am I a giver with a heart? Without the heart, our giving is empty and vain. Giving without the heart means that you are giving with an agenda aside from that of really helping and sharing. It is giving with impositions, control, and expectations.

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God gives unconditionally. Am I such a conditional giver that I attach so many reminders, restrictions, and conditions? In other words, do I give with a lot of, and with a long string attached to my gift?

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God gives always. Am I an occasional giver? Does my giving depend on my moods, my likes, and my comfort? Do I go the “extra mile” and give the “extra smile”? Do I go out of my way for others?

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If we imitate God, the giving sower, we, the seeds, grow up to become strong trees, and fruitful as well. If we focus on God, it does not matter if we fall on the path or rocky ground. We will survive and bear fruit if we stay rooted in God, in whatever ground.

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Parents, teachers, preachers, government, and church leaders, and all those involved in any kind of ministry, let us apply these simple lessons we can learn from the sower about true giving.

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No matter what, please do not sow seeds of anger, hatred, or revenge in your heart. These are “acids” that affect you, even while you are sleeping. Forgive, let go, let God, so that you will have no regrets and you will have peace in your heart.

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A moment with the Lord:Lord, teach us to sow goodness, like You do. Amen.