More questions than answers on gov’t response to COVID-19


President Duterte, during his live telecast address to the nation, placed the Philippines under Code Red Sub-level 2. The National Capital Region is on lockdown. Travel in and out of the NCR has been suspended. Provinces with at least two confirmed COVID-19 cases shall be placed under mandatory quarantine. Work in government offices is suspended with a proviso on maintaining a skeletal workforce. Flexible work arrangements are enjoined for the private sector. To enforce the President’s order, referred loosely by him as a resolution, the police and military have been called in.

While quarantines are normally resorted to in the event of a pandemic, in the context of the Philippines, without a programmatic approach, this may present more of a hazard than a solution.

Slashing P10 billion from the health budget under the 2020 General Appropriations Act is symptomatic of the lack of priority placed on the health of the populace. This is potentially deadly in the context of a pandemic. The sudden surge of COVID-19 cases is an immediate aftermath of this executive misstep. But the government plans to borrow funds to support its COVID-19 interventions; in effect, the people will end up being double-billed for their own treatment.

That the government intends to deploy police and military to carry out its resolution is characteristic of President Duterte, who is fixated on military solutions. The same killing machine driving the President’s bloody drug war and anti-insurgency campaign is now being unleashed to herd millions of Metro Manila residents. A military solution to a health problem overlooks social realities that the masses have to endure on a daily basis: hunger, poverty, lack of basic social services. The approach is more punitive rather than preventive and remedial.

Sorely lacking in the address are more important questions crucial to the everyday lives of millions of Filipinos: Will the government be able to protect the people against contamination? Will prices of basic goods and commodities be controlled against quarters who are capitalizing on COVID-19 to amass superprofits? What protections will be put in place for millions of workers who, in their hand-to mouth-existence, will be deprived of their wages as a result of the lockdown? How will social distancing be translated in the slums? (Public transport has been suspended starting Tuesday.) These and many more.

Instead of clarity, more questions have arisen. What is certain is that, left unaddressed, they open up a Pandora’s box that is deadlier than COVID-19.
