Vegan milk: healthy, affordable option

It’s unconscionable to feed children cow’s milk and other dairy “products” (“Dumb kids? Villar sees lack of affordable milk,” 1/28/20).

Dairy is the leading cause of allergies in children, and it’s linked to juvenile onset diabetes, colic, ear infections, and other health problems.

In his renowned book “Baby and Child Care,” the late Dr. Benjamin Spock wrote, “I no longer recommend dairy products. The essential fats that are needed for brain development are found in vegetable oils. Milk is very low in these essential fats and high in the saturated fats that encourage artery blockage and weight problems as children grow.”

Vegan milk, on the other hand, is a healthy, affordable, and widely available option. I’ve been vegan for decades and I’m confident that I’m giving my son the best possible start in life by raising him as a vegan, too.He’s seven now, and he’s as smart and as quick as a whip. He loves hummus, fruit, soy milk, and tofu sisig. He’s always energetic, never sick, and sleeps great.

His pediatrician once said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it.” I plan to, and I urge other parents to give vegan food a try. We owe it to our children to give them every advantage that we can.

Senior Vice President of International Campaigns
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta)
Legazpi Village, Makati City