To the adults who should know better

Three years ago, I was a fan of President Duterte — an avid one. I was just 15 and easily persuaded by people around me, including my family, and was heavily influenced by what I saw on social media.

I was already 15, yet I didn’t know any better. I based my judgments on how other people saw the world.

So how could you expect 9-year-olds to think rationally? What if these 9-year-olds are living in a place where they are surrounded by criminals? Children are keen observers and tend to do things they pick up from the people around them, most especially from those older. This does not exactly mean that they are liable, this only means that they don’t know any better.

Also, it’s not new to hear or read that syndicates use children for their crimes. These syndicates don’t really care whether a law on jailing children has been passed or not, and you know that.

You, as adults, should be our mentors. The ones who should teach us. You, as people who have experiences that we have yet to experience, know better.

The world isn’t just for your families or for your own kids. You, as adults, should not make other “bad” kids as example your children should not emulate. You, as adults, should educate your children about their privilege, and start helping these less lucky kids.

What do I know, right? I’m just 18. I have yet to explore this world. I have yet to learn many things. But can you think of this: Those 9-year-olds won’t have any chance to explore, learn and know if ever they get jailed, and only because no one taught them wrong from right.

We see kids doing serious mischief, but this is just a small portion of the pie; the real enemies here are the politicians who have their own agendas, syndicates who commit crimes and adults who care only for themselves. These enemies are protected, but children are the ones who are punished.

Can we stop being fanatics? Politics is not show business — it’s service to the people and the world. There are flaws in this administration’s ways, so don’t be blind followers! We don’t need to protect the President. The President needs to protect his people.

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Anna Beatrish U. Mendoza is 18.