‘Godget’ and social media
Unlike truth that sets humans free, social media enslaves.
“Godget” is not just a word I coined for it. Social media has become a popular god nowadays to the ever-increasing number of people who are hooked on it. This false deity aims at literally capturing every single soul on the planet, even that of an innocent child.
Out of the 7.6 billion people in the world, nearly half of them are on social media. Facebook alone has over 2.2 billion active users, 300,000 million photos and over 8 billion video views daily. The number of social media networking sites or apps continues to grow. This unprecedented situation is one for the books, and is affecting life by leaps and bounds, especially those of us in the millennial and Gen Z ages.
RENI M. VALENZUELA, renivalenzuelaletters@yahoo.com