Duterte’s rants against the Church

President Duterte’s latest series of tirades against church people is no joke and never should be considered one; rather, it is part of his systematic attack against those who work to build a better society for Filipinos and those who criticize the unacceptable, antipeople policies of his administration.

His rants are so scandalous that they smokescreen and conceal horridly his administration’s neglect of its responsibilities toward the people, and its plans that pose even graver danger to the nation and our future.

This administration has mastered the use of sloppy propaganda and diatribe to deter any rational discussion and criticism of its agenda.

Mr. Duterte even resorted to inciting violence and inducing government forces to commit more crimes aimed at the people, including those from the Church.

Much more fearsome now is the pressing possibility that the President’s provocations might lead to actual physical attacks, considering there are already seven cases of killings of clergy and religious personnel and other frustrated attempts and threats against them, following Mr. Duterte’s justification for Fr. Mark Ventura’s killing.

His statements might even reinforce and back up the forces behind the cases of attacks against church people.

In this midst, we cannot remain silent. We are called to partake “…in the proclamation of good news to the poor… To send liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (Lk 4:18-19).”

Promotion of Church
People’s Response