Price of revelry on historical landmarks

I don’t want to sound like the Grinch who wants to douse cold water on the highly successful 2018 Paskuhan of the University of Santo Tomas.

The joy that the festivities brought to the tens of thousands of attendees is simply priceless. The breathtaking, colorful and loud fireworks display during the occasion added glory to the institution’s illustrious history.

But the adverse impact of pyrotechnics on the entire UST campus, which, I understand, is a national historical landmark that impressively hosts “national treasures” like its main building, central seminary and the Arch of the Centuries, must not be overlooked or ignored.

There are several studies on this matter abroad  that could help us understand and perhaps take action, to come up with appropriate policies and guidelines.

Such  measures should ensure that no fireworks or pyrotechnics display must be held near our national landmarks and heritage sites, to help protect and preserve them.