Don’t forget!

The story is told about a forgetful man who went to his doctor for consultation. “Doc, my forgetfulness is getting worse.  I forget things easily now. What should I do?” he asks. The doctor thinks for a while, and says: “The first thing you do is to pay me first before we go on.”

In today’s Gospel (Lk. 3:16), we hear how John the Baptist appeared in the desert with his message of repentance, to a people who have forgotten God. God does not forget us. Let us not forget Him! Advent is the time for us to remember and be grateful for God’s great love for us, that He sent His only Son…

Today is the second Sunday of Advent. Today, we light the second candle of the Advent wreath, the candle of peace. Amid so much stress and suffering, let us not forget to hold on to our God, the source of true peace which this world cannot give or take away.

Happy holidays! For some, Christmas is just about the external decorations, trimmings and happenings. Christmas is not something that happens outside us, but must happen in our humble, contrite, grateful and loving hearts.

Don’t forget—happiness depends on “happenings” around us, but joy comes from a heart that is truly at peace with the Lord and with the world around us.

Wishing you not just happiness, but joy.

Please don’t forget to make Christmas happen not just in your heart, but also in the lives of people around you. Christmas is not just a memory or a cozy feeling, but a reality that must be made present again in our here and now.

The names of the big political and even church leaders during Jesus’ time were mentioned in today’s Gospel, like Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Philip, Annas, Caiaphas. But they were just mentioned in passing and incidentally. Such is the fate of powerful and vain people who forget God and His people in their times of power and fame.

Think about this: “Humility is not so much thinking less of ourselves, as thinking of our selves less.”

My vehicular accident last Feb. 7 this year, and the subsequent medical findings, and the journey with cancer, are reminders of God’s goodness, love and mercy. Yes, to be still around, and to be at the doorstep of Christmas 2018, is a beautiful gift from God. Let us always be grateful for every single day we are still alive. And let us all live meaningful lives, the rest of our lives.

Our Mama would have been 96 yesterday, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. She was, and still is, a heartwarming reminder of God’s gentleness, kindness and generosity. Specialize in kindness and humility. People will forget how intelligent, famous, beautiful or how rich you are, but they will never forget the kindness of your heart.

Don’t forget: “Money can be earned; stupid quarrels can be resolved; the life of a loved one is irreplaceable; the loss of your soul is your greatest failure.”

A moment with the Lord:

Lord, help us to remember, and not to forget to specialize in kindness, goodness and love. Amen.