
We find it hard to believe that Solicitor General Jose Calida, who used to claim he was one of “God’s people” involved in the fight against crime and corruption in government, is now using pure semantics to ward off accusations of influence-peddling and corruption against him in the conduct of his security agency business that has bagged hundreds of millions of contracts with so many government agencies.

Calida’s office was quoted as saying: “That he has not yet divested his interest in [Visai] is of no moment since the requirement of the law is either to resign from the management of the enterprise and/or divest himself of his interest in it (“SolGen still owns security firm,” 5/30/18).” He has already stepped down as “president and chair of Visai,” so what more do his detractors want?

Has this avowed “believer in God” and hater of grafters and corrupt officials no sense of delicadeza at all?

And where does the entire “Office of the Solicitor General“ (all paid-for by the people’s money) get off vigorously defending Calida against charges which are purely personal to him?

MARIA MARGARITA AYTONA, marimar_ay@yahoo.com