Thank you, Sister Pat

I have known Sister Patricia Fox for several years now, having occasionally encountered her in fora on the rights of the marginalized and oppressed people of the Philippines, particularly the poor peasants.

Her dedication to the less privileged since she was assigned to our country 27 years ago as a missionary would put many politicians, who purport to serve the people, to shame.

Though looking very frail and weak, her passion for the forlorn and helpless, and her very generous smile radiates energy to those around her.

The decision of the Bureau of Immigration to deport her within 30 days back to Australia was after she was accused by President Duterte as a foreigner engaged in “disorderly conduct” and violated Philippine sovereignty by joining rallies. But the truly brave and principled, like the 71-year-old and frail Sister Pat, are not afraid of this man.

Sister Pat, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for the 27 years you unselfishly stood by our people.