Gov’t should facilitate small farming

The letters of Sarryna Gesite (“Stop the vicious cycle of farmer poverty”) and Edwin Paraluman (“Deprivation of benefits”), both published last April 9, resonated deeply with me.

I think the Philippines is a rare example of a developing country that has not done comprehensive land reform. Even the tiny nation of Bolivia, where I was a missionary, has done that. The indigenous Quechua and Aymara own farms. I didn’t see big farmlands owned by landlords.

I agree that our government is not doing enough for our farmers. It should facilitate small farming — provide technical advice, small loans for fertilizers and tools, set up cooperatives for rice mills, facilitate transportation to avoid the middle people, or even buy rice at subsidized prices and sell at affordable low prices for the poor.

I call on our government to be more proactive in raising the economic status of our farmers.