‘Shame on you!’
Dear Frederick “Spocky” Farolan, Shame on you! Resign now!
Regent Farolan, it is you, a UP alumnus, who has dishonored the University of the Philippines, specifically the office of the UP Board of Regents.
Service to the Filipino people “with utmost responsibility” is the standard of public service the Constitution requires of you, Regent Farolan. You have failed at that and you have failed
the Filipino people.
For your enlightenment Regent Farolan, not all who are considered exceptional passed the UPCAT or graduated from UP.
Many successful public servants, captains of industry, outstanding professionals, and overseas workers did not pass the UPCAT nor graduate from UP.
Filipino taxpayers paid for your UP education. You just failed them.
EARL VICTOR L. ROSERO, earl.rosero@gmail.com