‘Being poor is not a hindrance to success’

I would like to congratulate Jaywardene Galilea Hontoria for topping PMA Class of 2018 (“Farmer’s son top graduate of PMA,” 3/15/18). I may not be his relative but I am very proud of him; he is proof that being poor is not a hindrance to success.

To the parents of Hontoria, congratulations and they deserve it for properly raising their child and guiding him despite the hardships, especially on the financial front. I congratulate also the Navy for a new leader will join them. May Hontoria use his intelligence and skills for the better of the Philippine Navy as well as the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

I hope Hontoria and other students who excel in their profession despite hardships will serve as an inspiration to students, especially those who are government scholars, to study hard and think of how they could help the government.


Sad spectacle