Traffic is like cancer
As a motorist, my daily drive to and from work in Metro Manila requires a large baon of patience, understanding, willpower, and again, patience toward fellow motorists, pedestrians and traffic enforcers.
Patience for the a**hole private car and cab drivers who straddle the pedestrian lane meant for pedestrians as the name implies. It’s not an unusual sight for pedestrians to crisscross their way like an obstacle course as they cross the street. Patience and some colorful words uttered for motorcyclists who weave in and out of traffic, most of the time, unannounced. Patience for vehicles that park on nonparking areas thus further congesting the street. Patience and some colorful words again for jeepney drivers who load and unload passengers in areas with “No Loading/Unloading” signages. The same goes for commuters/passengers who get off and ride public utility vehicles in areas with “No Loading/Unloading” signages. And the list goes on and on.
The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority has drawn up a lot of schemes to reduce congestion and somehow ease the worsening traffic condition in the metropolis. Some schemes work and some don’t. The missing factor is, well, basic road discipline among motorists, pedestrians and other road users. Discipline and respect for traffic rules and regulations—’yun lang naman. Easier said than done but it can be done. If we, Filipinos, can be traffic law-abiders when traveling abroad, then why not do the same in our own country?
The daily traffic condition is like cancer already. Pestering, lingering and sucks the life out of everyone. Hopefully, with fingers crossed, each Juan dela Cruz will become more respectful and disciplined with regards to traffic rules, before our roads become a one big parking lot.