Simple ‘Christmasaya’

I read Ceres P. Doyo’s “Christmas trash and ‘Christmasaya,’” (Opinion, 12/14/17) and liked the term.

It suits me well because I belong to the “kuripot” sector of society.

Our culture is full of wasteful consumers who do not realize that their being careless results in millions going hungry.

On the matter of simplicity Doyo was advocating/recommending, this is one virtue hard to define not only on Christmas but during celebrations, fiestas, birthdays, weddings, etc.

Where is the boundary between simplicity and extravagance?

I wish one can provide the formula especially against the backdrop of a poor nation like ours.

Our library decoration now is made of waste materials — used cartolina or bits of it. No foils, silver dust, and other hazardous materials or pollutants. No Santa Claus, no stocking, no white Christmas motif.

The main focus is a 6”x8” tarp depicting the Nativity. This is not bragging but seemingly along the wisdom of Doyo’s
article on simplicity.

Let’s celebrate Christmas with simplicity.

ARTURO O. BARBOSA, Koronadal City