Bulletproof vests, steel helmets for soldiers, cops
Three soldiers and a policeman died in the encounter with the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in Inabangan, Bohol, last April 11. The following day, photos of soldiers and policemen without bulletproof vests and steel helmets, in pursuit of the ASG in the dense vegetation of Bohol, appeared in newspapers. They looked like they were at the mercy of the terrorists who were waiting for them in ambush.
Why does our government not equip our soldiers and policemen with vests and helmets so that they have a better fighting chance against the enemies who are more familiar with the terrain? The cost of this equipment is much cheaper compared to the loss of human life.
Aside from wearing bulletproof vests, steel helmets and safety goggles during operations against terrorists and enemies, American and British soldiers and policemen are armed to the teeth.
A trained dog may also be employed to warn the raiding team in advance of the presence of enemies hiding in a thick forest.
ERNESTO Z. MEDINA, asiadetectives@yahoo.com