‘Two peas in a pod’
Perfecto Yasay was a perfect choice of President Duterte for the Department of Foreign Affairs, and had he been confirmed by the Commission on Appointments, he would have been a perfect “foreign” secretary.
Like his wishy-washy boss, Yasay is adept at saying one thing but meaning another. He fits the bill required for one to head a department known in the global community for double-speak and obfuscation.
At his confirmation hearing before the Commission on Appointments, Yasay declared he was never granted an American citizenship.
But after being shown official documents indicating he lied, he countered: Well, okay, but the truth is he had renounced it.
So, then, please explain how he could renounce something he never had?
Hoist with his own petard, Yasay reverted to saying he “did not legally acquire American citizenship, as the basis of the grant of citizenship was ‘flawed and defective.’” (“Yasay: I had an American passport but had it returned,” News, 3/7/17). Yet on the basis of that “flawed and defective” grant, he willingly took an oath as a US citizen.
We find it so hard to follow Yasay—or is it now “Nosay”? Can anyone? President Duterte is himself a walking and talking enigma. Both seem like two peas in a pod.
A perfect combination.
CARMELA N. NOBLEJAS, cnn_wuzzup@yahoo.com