At least, build parking lots for taxpayers

Quezon City has just increased real property taxes to an unconscionable level suppos-edly to support “more public services,” which many of us think is just a ploy to fatten the accounts of its officials whose extravagance with the people’s money makes us want to puke. This local government unit has the biggest land area with billions of unspent funds from realty taxes, and yet it covets for more. Its greed knows no limits under the watch of a slapstick-comedian-turned-politician.

We never voted for him and most of his self-aggrandizing elective ilk, but with the help of the teeming squatters who never pay realty taxes, they got to rule the roost. The nontaxpayers do outnumber taxpayers by a thousand to one, so what can we expect?

Since that is the fate we, taxpayers, are already resigned to, cannot City Hall find the least decency to spend some of our tax money to put up multilevel parking structures on so many vacant lots within its premises? Imagine the insufferable ordeal we have to go through every day looking for parking spots just so we can feed the always-hungry mouths of its officials with our tax payments.

Ma-konsensya naman po kayo!