Time to stop vandalism

Once and for all, let’s put a stop to all forms of vandalism, most especially in Metro Manila. Enough of defaced walls on public and that uglify our surroundings.

With the Miss Universe come January, the Philippines should project a positive image of the country worldwide. Let’s show our foreign guests that Metro Manila is not a city of vandals, unlike other cities in the world.

Let’s start a massive cleanup of ravished walls on public and private properties now.

The law on vandalism should be strictly and fully enforced by local government units, especially in Metro Manila. Offenders should be penalized, and no one should be above the law. Graffiti, antigovernment slogans, and all kinds of wall scribbling should go.

Let’s make Metro Manila a clean and vandal-free city.

PEDRO V. REFUERZO JR., jn_refuerzo@yahoo.com.