Dismaying AMRSP position on President Aquino
I felt dismay upon reading the letter of the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines (AMRSP), which was published in the Aug. 4 issue of the Inquirer. The letter is rather critical of President Aquino, as if implying that he must be impeached. I find the letter reactionary and very different from the progressive stand the AMRSP used to take during the martial law years, when the official stand of the Catholic Church was critical collaboration with the Marcos regime. You collaborate with an enemy and that is treason. The AMRSP had its task forces to fight against the human rights violations of the Marcos regime.
President Aquino is still the best president we’ve had since his mother left the presidency. Like his mother, he is honest and sincere and, to be sure, he is not corrupt, unlike so many of our lawmakers and politicians today. P-Noy deserves to get our full support for his program of government, the “daang matuwid.”
O.Carm. associate,